Hunt Bulky Zombie-Guard (Lv70 - No Element, Secret Lab 1F/2F) to obtain 'Treatise of Whitney'. Talk to Soty Bystander in Waterwheel House at Fir Woods. I'm personally at lv 83 now and I haven't updated a single one of my specialists above +1 not because it would be useless but simply because I have more important things to buy. Talk to Grey Soul Gem at Fir Woods to obtain 4th SP card quest. It will survive a lot more than you would (especially with buffs from the healer) and will make it a lot easier for you, as you can focus on healing or doing dmg while the pet tanks.
Darko for around 700k on the new servers or, if you can afford it, Fibi for around 3m), update its defence level to 5 or 6 and then feed it up to your level. If you are also doing Jajamaru quest, you can try to farm inside it, as the drop rate seems to be very higher (>50). Depending on your level, you can farm for them at either B1/B2 of the temple or comet meadow. :)Īpart from that, you might want to get a good pet to tank for you (e.g. 1 Collect 100 Lily of Purity To collect these, you have to fight monsters that are of similar levels as you (+/- 9). Once again, you should maybe wait until you know which specialist you prefere unless of course you can afford all four fairies at once.

the 50% fairies should cost around 2-3m (1m = 1000k)) and they are really worth this gold for a mage, as you are doing lots of elemental damage. If you want to invest gold, try to get a fairy with much element (e.g.

There are a total of 8 specialists in the game for every single class (plus some others, not class bound) and you might find that a new one that you don't have yet is way cooler. Then just play them and decide on which to update later. blazing firewings for around 400k), which give +1 speed (mages are just sooo slow without speedboosts^^). Get them to +1 so you can buy wings (e.g. Depending on your level, I wouldn't invest too much into updating either one yet, as updating can get really expensive really fast.