Temperatures will reach highs of 26.7☌ on average, and there will be plenty of sunshine around with 10 hours on average a day and UV levels will be high. Many wineries and attractions may have limited hours during the winter season, although rates at hotels and inns are at their lowest this time of year. You will definitely start to feel the heat in New York by the time June rolls around. You can expect rain for roughly half of the month of July in New York. The average temperatures are between 68☏ and 82☏.

The shaded overlays indicate night and civil twilight. With temperatures dropping to the 20s, winter in the Finger Lakes region is best reserved for visitors who enjoy skiing, ice skating and sledding. June August New York weather in July 2023 The weather in New York in July is hot. frigid 15F freezing 32F very cold 45F cold 55F cool 65F comfortable 75F warm 85F hot 95F sweltering The average hourly temperature, color coded into bands. Granger Homestead's Christkindl Market (November).Really summer weather starts approximately on 1st June - for the. Central Park SummerStage featuring DJ Premier with Grandmaster Flash, Kid Capri, SpinKing and more (June 19, 4 p.m.) Central Park is iconic for many reasons, but one area it’s lesser known. You may also experience longer waits in wine tasting venues. Average temperature of the season will be 75F, which is slightly lower than of summer 2022. Note that fall foliage draws thousands of visitors to the region this time of year, so accommodation rates will be high, especially on weekends and holidays. Like spring, fall weather varies greatly, ranging from occasional 70-degree days to low temperatures in the 30s and 40s. Phelps Sauerkraut Weekend (July-August).Indigenous Music & Arts Festival (July).Even though temperatures reach the 80s on many days, mornings and evenings are still cool enough to require a sweater or jacket. Smoke from Canadian wildfires will linger over New York and parts of the Northeast for the next 12 to 24 hours. New York’s busiest seasons are from June through August and Thanksgiving through New Year’s. Summer is high season in this outdoor lover's dream locale, meaning accommodations, which book up several months in advance, charge peak season rates. Spring Carnival Weekend at Bristol Mountain (March).As this is a shoulder season, accommodation rates are lower than summer, especially on weekdays. Million metric tons of greenhouse emissions, most recent annual data. Since the area is undergoing its annual thaw, the ground is often soft so you may want to add a pair of waterproof hiking shoes to your wardrobe. September and October will be cooler, on average, and drier than normal.The weather varies greatly in the spring, with temperatures ranging from the low 20s and 30s in March and April to high temperatures up to 70 in May. The hottest periods will be in mid-July and early to mid-August. Most of Western New York is under moderate drought conditions. ET Times Insider explains who we are and what we do and delivers behind-the-scenes insights into how our journalism comes together. Summer will be warmer than normal, with above-normal precipitation. When you travel to New York City in June you can expect: habitually rain, every now and then thunderstorm, seldom fog and expect hot weather.

April will be cooler and drier than normal, while May will be warmer and rainier. The snowiest periods will be in early to mid-January, late January, and late February. The coldest periods will be in early December, early and late January, and most of February. Winter temperatures will be below normal, while precipitation and snowfall will be above normal. Enter Your Location Annual Weather Summary